Housing provides a wide range of services.
For information on the services we can provide and for additional contact details, please click on the link below for the service you want:
If you are worried that the benefit changes will reduce the money you have coming in, it's a good idea to start thinking ahead.
For example, you could get a benefits check on your current entitlement and see whether there is any transitional protection available. You could also get some advice about budgeting as the Universal Credit is either paid fortnightly or monthly.
The Tenancy Management Team are here to help with any questions you have about rent. For information on:
Information on mutual exchanges, successions or sub-letting your house is available from the Tenancy Management Team. For information on:
If you are homeless or likely to become homeless then the team can assess your needs and may be able to assist you. For information on:
Tel: 01259 450000
Staff from the Tenancy Management Team are able to offer straight-forward advice on a range of issues. We are also able to direct callers to the appropriate Council service for action such as environmental health or to other agencies such as the police, if necessary.
For information on:
Our Tenant Participation Co-ordinator can assist you with:
If you have gas in your home, then the Council needs access every year to carry out an Annual Gas Service to all Council owned gas appliances. This is to ensure your own safety and the safety of those around you. Each year, we will contact you by letter to make arrangements for this service. Should the appointment that you are given not be suitable, you have the opportunity to re-arrange the appointment. Both Gas and Electricity are required to carry out the annual service.
For further information on:
We have a corporate policy which deals with formal complaints and comments. For more information, please follow the link for more information.
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000
Email: housing@clacks.gov.uk