Services and advice for older adults
Services and advice for older adults
We want to help everyone have healthy, active and independent lives.
There are many activities for older people, giving you the chance to socialise with like-minded people, enjoy local cultural experiences, or experience invigorating sport and physical activities.
Where a phrase or title below is underlined, please click on the web page link to take you to the relevant page containing the information you are looking for.
- Activity/Fitness classes
- Adaptations
- Adaptations
- Service for those who have a disability and may need to adapt their home to maintain independence.
- Equipment and Adaptations
- This service exists for residents of any age who need help with everyday personal and household tasks.
- Adult support and protection
Our Adult Support and Protection page gives information about support and protection of adults who may be at risk of harm and abuse.
- Bus pass
If you are 60 or over, you may wish to travel around on free public transport. Buses are free to travel on throughout Scotland using your bus pass.
- Care - assessment of your needs
- You may feel that you require additional help or support at home. We want to ensure that we can offer services which meet your needs. In order to receive support, please contact our Care Assessment Team so that we can identify your needs through a care assessment.
- You can also refer to our Older People Services page.
- Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
CAB can offer advice on a wide variety of issues:
- Clubs and organisations providing support
There are a variety of clubs and organisations who can provide advice, support and information for older people.
- Community Access Points (CAPs)
Your local CAP makes council services more accessible to the public:
- Community Care Charging Policy
Community Care Charging Policy
- Community Councils
We have 9 Community Councils in Clackmannanshire.
- Councillors
Find out who your Local Councillor is.
- Credit Union
Clackmannanshire Credit Union
- Day and Respite care
Ludgate House
- Disability - support services
- Discretionary Grant Scheme - OAP associations
Our Discretionary Grant Scheme is available to assist with the funding of Christmas lunch for members.
- Emergency contact numbers
Some useful numbers in the event of an emergency:
- Events, groups, clubs
Our Events Diary lists local events as well as group and club activities such as arts and crafts, writing, history etc.
- Falls Prevention
- Fitness/Activity classes
- Flu protection
- Forth Valley Sensory Centre
Forth Valley Sensory Centre provides a range of services for anyone with sensory impairment, their carers, families and related service providers.
G - P
- Garden maintenance
- Our Garden Aid service is provided for Council tenants who are elderly or disabled, who do not have any able bodied person living with them who could tend to the garden.
- If you require work undertaken in your garden not covered under the Garden Aid Scheme you may wish to consider contacting C-MEE, which is a local charity. C-MEE provide affordable gardening, decorating and handyman services. Their prices are subsidised for those on pension, benefits or on low income. They provide free estimates.
- C-MEE can be contacted on 01259 726686
- Grant Scheme, Discretionary - OAP associations
Our Discretionary Grant Scheme is available to assist with the funding of Christmas lunch for members.
- Health Services
Health Services and Organisations
- Contact details of local doctors, hospitals, opticians, pharmacies, dentists, NHS 24 etc.
Living It Up Forth Valley
- Health and wellbeing information hub
- Home energy / Fuel debt
- Our home energy advice pages provide information on how to keep warm and useful information on how to keep yourself and your neighbours safe over the winter.
- Home care services
Home care services
- Housebound Library Service
Home Library Service
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
- Housing Repair Centre
If you are a Council tenant, you can report any housing repairs via our Repair Centre:
- Libraries
- Mental health support
- Mobile Emergency Care Services (MECS)
- Telecare MECS
- This service enables vulnerable people and their carers to call for assistance in an emergency at any time, day or night.
- Online Payments
Pay for a service online:
Our Fitness/Activity Classes web page gives information about local OTAGO classes.
Q - Z
- Report It
You can use this link to report any local issue you have to the Council:
- Residential care
Menstrie House
- Respite and Day care
Ludgate House
- Royal Voluntary Service
Royal Voluntary Service, Unit 35, Evans Business Centre, 3 Whitehouse Road, Stirling, FK7 7SP, Tel: 01786 450 718
- Self Directed Support
- Sensory impairment
Forth Valley Sensory Centre provides a range of services for anyone with sensory impairment, their carers, families and related service providers.
- Telecare Mobile Emergency Care Services (MECS)
- Telecare MECS
- This service enables vulnerable people and their carers to call for assistance in an emergency at any time, day or night.
- Top Tasks
This page contains links to the most regularly used Council web pages:
- Walking
Information about events and walks.
- Welfare Reforms
Information about welfare benefit changes:
- Winter - keeping warm
Our home energy advice pages provide information on how to keep warm and useful information on how to keep yourself and your neighbours safe over the winter.