Candidate Core Paths Plan (Oct 9 2007 12:54) The candidate maps of core paths and all comments received during this stage of the Clackmannanshire Council Core Paths Plan consultation process.
Development Plan Scheme (Sep 18 2019 15:01) The Development Plan Scheme contains a timetable, specifying when the Council proposes to publish its next Main Issues Report, next Proposed Plan and submit the Local Development Plan to Scottish Ministers.
Report to Tenants (Oct 25 2017 10:06) Report on our performance against the Scottish Social Housing Charter.
SAK Railway - AECOM Report on Assessment of Effectiveness of Acoustic Barriers (Feb 20 2013 16:37) AECOM was instructed by Clackmannanshire Council and Transport Scotland to undertake noise monitoring to confirm the effectiveness of the noise mitigation that was installed adjacent to sections of the Stirling Alloa Kincardine Railway line.
Statement of Accounts (Dec 14 2006 10:02) Financial Statement of Accounts for Clackmannanshire Council and Central Scotland Valuation Joint Board Financial Statement of Accounts.
Statement of Local Totals 2014 (May 26 2014 8:33) The statement of local totals for the European Parliamentary election 2014
Independent and confidential survey of all tenants.
Updates/Reports on Incidents of Flooding in Dollar Catchment (Nov 2 2012 14:04) This report aims to summarise the preliminary investigations undertaken to date following the flooding events, the initial findings of these investigations and proposals for further investigation and mitigation work to reduce the risk of flooding