Brown Bin Permit Terms and Conditions (Jan 21 2020 11:50) This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of Clackmannanshire Council's chargeable garden waste collection service.
E Bulding Standards Guidance Note (Jun 27 2016 14:48) E-Building Standards guidance note to ensure that your application can be validated and registered in a timely manner.
Register of Charges Booklet (Jun 14 2013 10:33) Register of Charges details a list of all services that the Council provides.
Remote Learning Guidance (Jan 18 2021 9:31) Practical guide for all staff responsible for the planning, implementation and quality assurance of remote learning.
SAN 1 - Recreational Open Space (Jan 13 2005 12:24) This leaflet sets out the Council�s policy and standards for recreational space, as contained in the Local Plan.
SAN 10 - Opencast Mining (Jan 13 2005 14:44) This Supplementary Advice Note sets out the Council�s updated policy on opencast coal mining, in addition to the Development Plan (Structure Plan and Local Plan) and National Planning Policy.
SAN 11 - Farm Steading Conversions (Jan 13 2005 14:46) This advice note seeks to add to the current planning policies in the Development Plan and amplify national planning guidance on the conversion of farm steadings.
SAN 2 - Infill Residential Development (Jan 13 2005 12:26) This leaflet aims to assist people wishing to develop one or more houses on gap sites, garden ground or vacant spaces in existing towns and villages. It is not designed to guide development of houses in the countryside or major new housing areas.
SAN 3 - Shutters and Grilles (Jan 13 2005 12:28) This leaflet aims to assist shopkeepers who wish to improve security by installing shutters or grilles, or for those owners who find that their shops have shutters installed contrary to the Council's policy.
SAN 4 - Residential Homes (Jan 13 2005 12:30) This leaflet aims to assist those who wish to develop Residential Homes by converting or extending an existing property, or building a new one.
SAN 5 - Windows and Doors in Traditional Buildings (Jan 13 2005 12:31) The built environment of Clackmannanshire provides a particularly rich and varied heritage. The Council has a duty to safeguard this heritage, and is able to do so through the powers available under various Acts of Parliament.
SAN 6 - Day Nurseries (Jan 13 2005 12:33) This leaflet aims to assist those who wish to develop Day Nurseries either by converting or extending an existing property or by building a new one. planning consent.
SAN 7 - Shop Fronts (Jan 13 2005 12:34) This leaflet will explain: The Council�s aims for shop front design and advertising; The permissions required; The guidelines for achieving a good design which suits your premises and the neighbourhood.
SAN 8 - House Extensions (Jan 13 2005 12:36) This advice note is to help you apply for Planning Permission. The Council wishes to encourage imaginative, sensitive and innovative design, and while it gives design guidance, this is not intended to be a �rule book�.
SAN 9 - Planning and Flooding (Jan 13 2005 12:38) This supplementary advice note aims to provide additional guidance to prospective applicants for planning permission about Clackmannanshire Council�s policy towards applications for development on, or close to, land potentially liable to flood.
Staged Intervention Guidance (Sep 23 2021 10:00) This guidance is designed to assist schools to deploy resources effectively to ensure all children and young people access an appropriate curriculum.