If you are a tenant who rents, then your landlord may not cover your contents as part of the tenancy agreement. It’s a good idea to consider what a home contents insurance policy would cover you for in order to help you make an informed decision on whether you need one.
Contents insurance is designed to help protect your possessions. No matter how careful you are, there’s always a risk that your belongings could be broken, damaged or stolen so home contents insurance can help provide peace of mind.
To help you decide whether home contents insurance is right for you, the council has teamed up with Thistle Tenant Risks, and Great Lakes Insurance UK Limited who provide the Crystal Insurance Scheme, a specialist Tenants Contents Insurance policy.
The Crystal Insurance Scheme can offer you insurance for the contents of your home including cover for items such as furniture, carpets, curtains, clothes, bedding, electrical items, jewellery, pictures and ornaments.
Tenancy Management Team
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 225100
Email: hsgtenancymanagementteam@clacks.gov.uk