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Clackmannanshire Council Online

Corporate Procurement Process

Corporate Procurement Process / Policy "The Procurement Journey"

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Microsoft Word file Procurement Form 1. This RFQ/tender authorisation must to be completed/submitted by the contract responsible officer, before any tender process commences or to take part in any national or collaborative contract. This includes SLA arrangements with other Local Authorities. Services must ensure an approval signatures prior to submission and any advertising or contact with potential suppliers. This must be completed for all contractual arrangements with a value of 10K or above over the lifetime of the requirement. Updated May 24 - Download 7084.doc

Microsoft Word file Procurement Form 2. The Contract Award Report requires to be completed/submitted, after the tender evaluation has been completed or before a direct award can be made. Services must ensure an approval signature prior to submission to the Service Accountant for financial sign off and then procurement will issue a tender award letter. No contract can take place with the successful supplier until all documentation has been completed and an official Purchase order and award letter is sent to the supplier. Updated May 24 - Download 7085.doc

Microsoft Word file Exception Report - CSO's apply to all contracts entered into by procurement officers. However in some circumstances exceptions may be granted All requests must be made in writing, identifying the grounds for the request. Approvals must also be recorded in writing and given prior to any action not in accordance with CSO's being taken. Such exemptions are not necessarily exempt from the application of the specific requirements of the Scottish Regulations, where they apply or any other rule of law. Lack of sufficient planning and / or internal process delays will not constitute special, exceptional or emergency circumstances. Updated Jan 24 - Download 6997.doc

Unknown document file Request for Quote (RFQ) or Quick Quote Template. This RFQ document should only be used for contracts with and estimated value of between £10,000 and £49,999 Procurement Route 1- Unregulated Procurement - Download 6566.docx

Microsoft Word file Contract / Commodity Procurement Strategy Guidance. A Contract Strategy is a plan of action which identifies the most appropriate and effective approach to source and procure a particular supply or service from suppliers, usually in the form of cost, service and quality improvements, in order to achieve best value. - Download 6599.doc

Microsoft Word file Contract / Commodity Strategy template- Used for All regulated procurement exercises above 50k regardles of route and methodology - Download 6600.doc

Microsoft Word file Procurement Journey commodity strategy Includes: Risk Register and Project plan - Download 6592.doc

Microsoft Word file Procurement Insurance. This note is intended as a guide only and the Contract Responsible Officer should seek additional guidance from the Council’s Insurance Services Team and /or the Procurement Manager if required. - Download 7034.doc

Unknown document file GOODS AND SERVICES ITT - Tender documents for All Goods and Services contracts with a value above 50k Procurement Routes 2 and 3 - Regulated Procurement (2) and Higher Value regulated procurements (3) - Download 6998.docx

Unknown document file WORKS ITT - Tender documents for All Works and Construction contracts with a value above 50k Procurement Route 2 and 3 - Regulated Procurement - Download 6999.docx

Microsoft Word file Procurement Form 1B. Dual or Restricted Tender SPD Shortlist Recommendation Report to be completed following the evaluation against the pre determined and pre advertised evaluation criteria. Once complete and signed off a copy must be submitted to the legal Officer to provide sufficient information to enable the officer to send rejection and letters to Candidates who have been recommended to be short listed to receive an Invitation to Tender - Download 6418.doc

Unknown document file Tender Evaluation tool - to be used for all tender evaluations irrespective of value. Comments clearly detailing the reasons for the scoring must be included and should be a consensus from all evaluators - Download 6870.xls

Microsoft Word file Sources of Support for Contractors and Subcontractors in the implementation of Community Benefit Clauses - Download 6510.doc

Unknown document file New Supplier Request Guidance Notes - Download 6091.docx

Unknown document file TechnologyOne New Supplier request form to send to supplier. The information contained within this form will allow the Council to finalise the supplier record which will then enable Purchase Orders to be issued to you and invoices paid. The Council operate a NO Purchase Order NO Payment policy - Download 7050.xls

Unknown document file TechnologyOne New Supplier request form for Internal use only - Updated Aug 24 - Download 7138.xlsx

Unknown document file Authorised Signatory Form - Delegated Financial Approval Authority form. No officer of the Council should undertake or authorise transactions for which they do not have authority delegated. Contracts Standing Orders state that only those who have been delegated a budget or have formal delegated authority to commit expenditure can delegate further. The method of delegating authority to Council Officers for financial related transactions is through the completion of an authorised signatory form. The authorised signatory form lists categories of transactions that require authority and those that have a financial impact include Purchase Orders, Invoices, Payroll, HR and Imprest transactions. The ASF requires to be signed off by a Director or Head of Service (HOS) and requires an acknowledgement that the officer has read an fully understood their obligations as set out in Financial Regulations and Contract Standing Orders - Download 6834.docx

Download Adobe Acrobat file Government Procurement Card - Barclaycard - Corporate Policy & Procedures Guide 2024 - Download 7119.pdf

Download Adobe Acrobat file Purchase Card - Card Holders & Locations 2024 - Download 7121.pdf

Unknown document file Purchase Card Log Sheet - Download 6959.xlsx

Microsoft Word file Service Level Agreement (SLA) These terms and conditions should be selected where the purchasing officer is entering into a service level agreement with an approved provider, for generally speaking, a service of general economic interest, in circumstances where there is market failure. For example, it could be used to fund a specific part of a not for profit providers operation, where the outcomes can be monitored. Officers should be mindful that notwithstanding the service being provided, the use of this agreement does not exempt the subject matter from the rules relating to public procurement or state aid. On no account should these be used for the provision of services. These terms and conditions should be used in un-amended form, unless otherwise approved by Legal Services and the Procurement Manager. - Download 4770.doc

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