This programme is part of Clackmannanshire Council's ongoing commitment to bring all of its housing stock up to meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard and ensuring our houses meet and attain the modern electrical standards and ultimately keep our tenants safe in their homes.
Due to a change in the electrical regulations in 2013, we are obliged to carry out full electrical tests on all properties every 5 years (previously every 10 years) or at every change of let.
When testing is due on a property, all tenants will be sent a letter informing them of inclusion in the safe electrical programme and will be provided with an information booklet from the Council. Our contractor will then send a letter with appointment details for the initial electrical test. Following this test, tenants are advised about any further works that will be required to bring their electrical system up to the level of current regulations. This is mainly non intrusive work and findings from the electrical testing will determine the levels of upgrading required for each house. Scope of works will include the fitting of hardwired smoke detection systems to LD2 standards to all houses in the programme.
Addresses throughout Clackmannanshire are included in the programme on an ongoing basis dependant on when houses were last serviced. All void houses are checked in terms of electrical safety prior to being re-let.
Our Electrical Testing information booklet is available to view or download from this page. If you require any further information, please contact our Electrical team on 01259 452000 or email
Housing Investment Team
Kelliebank, ALLOA, FK10 1NT
Tel: 01259 452000