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Clackmannanshire Council Online

Sustainable Transport

Sustainable Transport

The rapidly increasing cost of fuel and the need to cut down on polluting exhaust fumes, which contribute to climate change and illnesses such as asthma which are caused by poor air quality, mean we should all be thinking about how we get around.

Walking or cycling to work 'active commuting' not only saves you money ... it's a healthy way of making sure you get enough daily exercise too! When you are using your car there are many ways to be more sustainable when doing so, which can also save you money.

Download the Sustainable Car Use and Active Travel booklets from below to see how you could save money and help the environment.

Hop on the bus

Alloa has frequent local bus services to most parts of Clackmannanshire and Stirling. Why not try leaving the car at home a couple of days a week, relax and let someone else do the driving ... and the short walk to and from the bus stop is great exercise too! See the link below for more information on bus services.

Rediscover Cycling

The National Cycle Route number 76 'Round the Forth' passes through Clackmannanshire connecting to Fife and Stirling. There are also a number of local cycle routes such as the Devon Way providing safe off road routes for cycling. Cycling is ideal for short journeys of less than 5 miles and is a great way of getting around and keeping fit. More cycle routes are planned for the future to make cycling even more attractive. See our Cycle Smart - Cycle Safe page for advice on safe cycling, aimed at children but equally applicable to adults.

Walk about a bit

If you live in Alloa, walking into work is a great way to start the day, saves money on fuel (cars are least efficient and most expensive to run when cold) and provides healthy exercise. The Take Life Ongives more details on active commuting and the health benefits of walking.

Become an Eco-Driver

How you drive can have a considerable influence on the amount of fuel you use and so by being aware of your own driving technique and adjusting it accordingly you can save fuel, reduce exhaust emissions and drive more safely. Here are ten tips to driving more efficiently.

  1. Plan Ahead - avoid rush hour, congested areas and check for roadworks or accidents on your route
  2. Car Share or use alternative modes
  3. Drive Smoothly - avoid sharp acceleration and heavy braking
  4. Use gears efficiently - change up before 2500 rpm (petrol) and 2000 rpm (diesel)
  5. Don't Idle - drive away immediately to save fuel
  6. Use Air Conditioning Sparingly - air conditioning and other in-car electrical equipment increases fuel consumption
  7. Remove Excess Weight - equipment such as roof racks, roof boxes and items in the boot such as golf clubs increase the weight and drag of the car.
  8. Avoid Short Journeys - cold engines use twice as much fuel and catalytic converters require up to 5 miles before they become effective
  9. Stick to the Speed Limit - driving at a lower speed will save you fuel and produce less carbon
  10. Maintain your Vehicle - correct tyre pressure, wheel alignment, fluid levels and filters all contribute to the efficiency of a vehicle

Further information on using you car in a more sustainable way can be found in the Sustainable Car Use booklet, which is available to download from the publications and documents section below.

More efficient driving could cut fuel bills by £250

The Energy Saving Trust offers free advice to motorists to help them cut their fuel bills, and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide their vehicle emits.

As part of their efforts, the Energy Saving Trust is encouraging drivers to download the FuelGood app, which is designed to flag up inefficient practices such as driving in too low a gear, and highlighting the savings people could make by following a range of easy fuel efficient driving tips.

The FuelGood app is available for iPhone users from the App Store and for Android devices through Google Play.

For more information about fuel efficient driving, visit the Energy Saving Trust'swebsite or call your local Energy Saving Scotland advice centre on 0800 512 012.

Related Publications & Documents

For Further Information Contact

Roads, Traffic & Transportation
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000