Determining applications for the grant or renewal of any licences to be issued under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, including the imposition of conditions on any licence granted.
Determining whether to suspend or alter any licence issued under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
Determining whether to recall a suspension made pursuant to the terms of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
Setting, approving and reviewing any policies in respect of the operation of the licensing regime under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
Discharging the Council's statutory licensing function in respect of all legislation that imposes the duty on the Council as the appropriate authority to determine applications or to grant regulatory consents in respect of any licensable activities prescribed by statute.
Holding hearings and determining HMO Licence applications in terms of Schedule 4 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006.
Dealing with regulatory and enforcement issues arising from matters delegated to or delivered by Community and Regulatory Services related to Environmental Health, Licensing (other than alcohol licensing) and Trading Standards.
Taking decisions on suspending or altering a premises approval as provided for under the Marriage (Scotland) Act 2002.
Holding hearings for the purposes of paragraph 7 of Schedule1 of the Smoking Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005 (the SHSCA 2005).
Hearing appeals against officers� decisions to refuse or remove a landlord�s or agent�s registration under part 8 of the Antisocial Behaviour etc (Scotland) Act 2004.