Please note the Council no longer offer a service to quote and undertake any dropped crossing work. The current form will be update in due course to remove this option.
Under Section 56 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, any person carrying out any works on a public road, must obtain the consent of the Roads Authority before the works commence. You can obtain this by applying for Minor Roadworks Consent. (The term 'road' encompasses carriageways, footways, verges and any remote public footpaths or cycleways).
Anyone (including Utility Infrastructure Providers (UIP's)) wishing to install new apparatus in the public road, must obtain the consent of the Roads Authority under Section 109 of the New Roads & Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA).
If you wish to obtain an application form or require more information, please see our Minor Roadworks Consent and Section 109 Consent forms and guidance notes.
Payment should be made online using Pay It. Information on the current list of fees charged for services, permits, and consents by Roads and Transportation is available on the Roads and Transportation Fee Scale.
You may also need an MRC if you have applied for a Dropped Footway Crossing and are employing a private contractor to carry out the works. If you have applied for a Dropped Footway Crossing, the Roads & Transportaion Section will advise you of their requirements.
If you are temporarily placing materials or erecting scaffolding on the road, please refer to our Road Occupation Permit page.
Note: The term Road encompasses the carriageway, footway or verges of any road and includes public footpaths and cycle tracks.
Roads, Traffic & Transportation
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000