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Clackmannanshire Council Online

Audit and Scrutiny Committee

Audit and Scrutiny Committee

The remit of the Audit and Scrutiny Committee is:

Audit & Finance

a)         Receive, review and consider reports on the Council’s finance

b)         Receive, review and consider reports on value for money and best value

c)         Consideration and monitoring of the Council’s Annual Governance Statement

d)         Consider internal audit reports and results of internal audit investigations

e)         Consider external audit and resultant action plans

f)         Monitor and review actions taken on internal and external audit recommendations

g)         Consider the effectiveness of the Council’s risk management procedures and the control environment

h)         Receive and consider reports on countering fraud and corruption.


a)         Monitor council services, including the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) against agreed outcomes, standards and targets

b)         Monitor the achievement of organisation-wide agreed outcomes, standards and targets

c)         Monitor the achievement of agreed outcomes, standards and targets by the

Elected Members

Forthcoming meetings

Previous meetings

For Further Information Contact

Resources and Governance - Legal Services
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000