The Council has published the Development Plan Scheme which identifies the proposed timetable and procedures for reviewing the 2015 Local Development Plan (LDP). It includes details of when and how consultation will be undertaken on the various stages of the review.
The aim is to adopt the LDP Review early in 2027.
As part of the Review process, a new opportunity to input is available to Community Councils, and other local community groups (as defined by Community Empowerment legislation), the Local Place Plan.
Local Place Plans can be produced by community groups to address the development or use of land within their area. They should therefore contain proposals for the development and use of land, and these proposals should be shown on a map. They will be registered with the Council and the LDP Review process must have regard to any registered Local Place Plans.
There are currently no local place plans registered in Clackmannanshire, however where communities have produced Community Plans/Community Action Plans, these are listed below.
LPP Contact:
Name of Plan: –
Comment: –
LPP Contact:
Name of Plan: Alva Community Action Plan Consultation Report (September 2015)
Comment: –
LPP Contact:
Name of Plan: Clackmannan Community Action Plan (2015-2020) (pdf)
Comment: –
LPP Contact:
Name of Plan: Dollar Futures – Community Action Plan (2016-2021) (pdf)
Comment: –
LPP Contact:
Name of Plan: Menstrie Community Action Plan (2017-2022) (pdf)
Comment: –
LPP Contact:
Name of Plan: Muckhart Community Plan (September 2017)
Comment: –
LPP Contact:
Name of Plan: –
Comment: –
LPP Contact:
Name of Plan: Tillicoultry, Coalsnaughton and Devonside Community Action Plan (2017-2022)
Comment: –
LPP Contact: From 15th October 2021, there is no community council in this area
Name of Plan: Tullibody Community Action Plan 2018-2023 (pdf)
Comment: –
Many communities already have approved community action plans or similar documents, and many are working on reviewing these. It is envisaged that the Local Place Plan could compliment these documents, potentially forming a 'part 2' to action plans, focussing on land use matters. This could avoid consulting the community separately on community action plans and Local Place Plans. It is however up to each community group how they wish to proceed.
Indeed there is no requirement to produce a Local Place Plan and communities may wish to simply engage with the Local Development Plan Review process as they have done in the past, commenting at each of the consultation stages.
As required by Section 15A of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, the Council must publish an invitation to local communities to prepare Local Place Plans, give information on the date by which they should be registered in order to be taken into account in the preparation of the LDP, and give information on the assistance available for local communities to prepare Local Place Plans.
The Council are therefore now inviting communities and community groups to prepare Local Place Plans. If your community council, or local community group, is thinking about developing a Local Place Plan, or have already commenced work, we’d love to hear from you. It would also be useful to have a point of contact for any future Local Place Plan correspondence, which could be the community council secretary, planning representative, or another.
The current timetable for the LDP Review, as set out in in the Development Plan Scheme identifies early 2026 as the target date for publishing the Proposed LDP. Local Place Plans can be submitted at any time, and we would encourage early preparation, but they must be submitted by the end of June 2025 in order to inform the Proposed LDP.
Local Place Plans do need to comply with the guidance set out in Planning Circular 1/2022 – Local Place Plans. The Council can help advise on the requirements and answer any questions in relation to the process.
The Council cannot prepare communities’ Local Place Plans, but can help signpost groups to sources of information and give practical help in terms of providing maps and plans and attending community events or meetings.
The Scottish Government has published Planning Circular 1/2022 – Local Place Plans, which provides guidance for both communities and planning authorities on the preparation, submission and registration of Local Place Plans.
The Our Place website, devoted to promoting the benefits of place and place-based working, developed by the partners behind the Place Standard tool, and including a 'How to prepare a local place plan' (pdf) guide
Planning Aid Scotland, a charity and social enterprise that helps people to navigate the planning system, supporting a planning system that is inclusive, positive and innovative, where individuals and communities have the opportunity to shape the future of their place in an impartial, open and inclusive way.
Foxbar, Paisley, Pilot Local Place Plan (pdf)
Mapping assistance is available through the Community Map Scotland tool. All Community Councils should have received a code for 12 months free access, but you can contact the Improvement Service’s Spatial Hub Team if you have not. Unfortunately, the tool is only available to Community Councils at present due to licencing limitations.
Options are being explored to facilitate continued free access to the tool after 12 months. The more Community Councils that take up the initial offer, the more of a use case there will be for continued funding.
All of the data on the Improvement Service’s Spatial Hub can be accessed through the tool.
If a Community Council does not continue to use the tool after 12 months, any published maps should continue to exist in perpetuity for as long as Parish Online continues to exist. There is also the option to export PDFs and images from the software, so if necessary this could be done to ensure hard copies are also available as an alternative option – these could be hosted on TellMeScotland if needed.
Development Planning
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000