Local Development Plan (adopted August 2015)
Local Development Plan (adopted August 2015)
National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) was adopted on 13 February 2023 and is now part of the statutory Development Plan. As a consequence, Scottish Planning Policy 2014 is superseded.
Decisions on planning applications have to be made in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The NPF4 and the adopted Clackmannanshire Local Development Plan 2015 and associated Supplementary Guidance currently comprise the Development Plan. A review of the Local Development Plan (LDP) is underway and will be informed by the policies in the NPF4.
Planning applications will be assessed against the relevant Principles, Strategies and Policies in the NPF4 and LDP.
As NPF4 provides the latest national planning policy context for the assessment of planning applications, where it is considered there is incompatibility between the provisions of the adopted Clackmannanshire Local Development Plan 2015 and NPF4, the provisions of NPF4 will prevail.
Local Development Plan 2015 related documents as detailed below
The Clackmannanshire Local Development Plan (LDP) was adopted in August 2015. It contains a Vision Statement, Strategic Objectives, and planning policies for the future development of Clackmannanshire.
The LDP looks forward for planned developments 10 years from 2015, with an indication of where further development can take place in the next 20 years. It comprises of:
The Written Statement
The Written Statement contains a description on the context for change in land use and development and for the planned pattern of development across this entire area; it provides the policy framework to guide development to the right place and how to enable quality, sustainable development outcomes. To do so it contains the following:
- A vision statement: a short explanation of the kind of enhanced environment we would like to see
- A suite of planning objectives: to help achieve the vision
- A suite of planning policies: a series of specific policies, which together, help to deliver the stated objectives
- A series of Proposals Maps: that show where development can take place, also a Designations Map that shows where land and sites with special statutory protection lie
- Forth 1
- Forth 2
- West Ochils
- East Ochils
- Countryside
- Designated Sites
- A Schedule of Sites: giving planning criteria for the land allocated in the plan: with development guidelines for each site
- Supplementary Guidance: part of the LDP and a material planning consideration in the decision making process. SG expands on the policies within the LDP but does not create any new policy. It seeks to help our customers deliver quality development outcomes in general accord with the Plan. SG is published on specific planning topics as listed below
- Supplementary Guidance 1 Developer Contributions
- Supplementary Guidance 2 Onshore Wind Energy
- Supplementary Guidance 3 Placemaking
- Supplementary Guidance 4 Water
- Supplementary Guidance 5 Affordable Housing
- Supplementary Guidance 6 Green Infrastructure
- Supplementary Guidance 7 Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Development
- Supplementary Guidance 8 Woodlands and Forestry
- Supplementary Guidance 10 Domestic Developments
- The Action Programme: augments the Written Statement in so far as it describes how the plan may be delivered, the key stakeholders to help do that, and a guide on likely timing of delivery and development.
Focussing on sustainable economic growth, the LDP encourages the retention and growth of the population of Clackmannanshire, encouraging younger people and families into the area to balance the projected ageing population.
The provision of excellent educational, training and employment opportunities will be supported to encourage this, while the environment will be valued and protected in the transition to a successful low-carbon economy.
Design and layout polices encourage quality in the creation of developments and communities with a strong sense of place. Town centre regeneration will be a key issue during the lifetime of the LDP and policies are included to address this. Energy efficiency, low carbon development and an increasing focus on renewable energy and district heating are also promoted through the Plan. Clackmannanshire's Green Network, which forms part of the nationally identified Central Scotland Green Network, has been mapped and policies are developed to support it.
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