The Council may produce masterplans, briefs, development frameworks etc for sites in Clackmannanshire.
These do not form part of the adopted Local Development Plan, but will be ‘material considerations’ when determining planning applications.
The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced Masterplan Consent Areas (MCAs) as a new proactive consenting mechanism, allowing the Council to prepare MCA schemes. Within adopted MCA areas, development could be brought forward without the need for a full application as long as it is in line with the agreed scheme.
MCA schemes can streamline consent, allowing issues to be considered as part of a joined up approach, they can grant:
Unlike planning applications which are typically led by a developer, and only rarely consulted on before submission, the preparation of MCA schemes will require publicity and consultation. This will focus on the details of what the MCA scheme will be giving consent for and will be led by the planning authority and taken forward through collaboration.
The Council is required to consider whether it would be desirable to make a MCA scheme for a part or parts of their district, and to publish a statement as to why MCA’s are, or are not being considered.
As the MCA regulations are not yet in place, we have not yet identified or assessed potential locations for which it may be desirable to bringing forward an MCA scheme. We intend to reconsider this once the legal basis for preparing MCAs is in place, and throughout the Local Development Plan preparation process.
Development Planning
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000