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Staged Intervention - a guide for parents

Staged Intervention - a guide for parents

Some children and young people need additional support in order to benefit fully from their education. When children or young people require provision that is additional to, or different from, that provided to their peers, they are described as having additional support needs (ASN).

The additional support needs of all children and young people in Clackmannanshire Schools are identified and addressed using the Staged Intervention process and procedure.

First Steps

If you think your child has additional support needs, ask your child’s class teacher or head teacher about the Staged Intervention process and for more information on what support may be available. School may then organise a TAC (Team Around the Child) meeting and invite the relevant people to attend.

Staged Intervention Main Facts

  • Staged Intervention is the way schools assess for and support additional support needs.
  • You will be invited to meetings in school to join the assessment and planning process. These are called TAC (Team Around the Child) meetings.
  • Schools use the “Getting it Right for Every Child” (GIRFEC) assessment framework to support their assessments and plan support.
  • Your views and consent should be sought at every stage.
  • Your child’s views and consent (where appropriate, should be sought at every stage).
  • Schools use staged intervention to invite or include assessment or support from agencies out with school and out with education where they can help your child’s learning.
  • All transition planning for pupils with additional support needs should be managed through staged intervention.

Universal Educational Support

Teachers engage in constant assessment of all pupils’ learning and plan next steps according to need.

Stage 1 - Monitoring

Teacher is concerned that pupil might have some issues impacting on learning. Teacher implements some strategies from within class resources and monitors progress.

Stage 2 - Enhanced Planning & Support

Pupil may have an ASN. Further assessment is carried out to identify - support within school resources. Other agencies may be consulted. Pupil has ASN and is supported regularly from within school resources.

Stage 3 - Targeted Planning & Support

Pupil has an ASN and requires individualised planning and regular targeted support in school. Agencies outwith school and education may be involved in assessing or providing support.

Stage 4 - Intensive Planning and Support

The pupil has a high level of need. Pupil is in specialist provision or needs 80% or more adaptation to mainstream environment or curriculum.

It is likely that other agencies outwith school or education may be involved at some point.

Who else might schools ask to help?

Agencies outwith education include: Allied Health Professionals such as Speech & Language Therapy, Social Work, Housing, Women’s Aid, NHS etc.

Agencies outwith school but within education include: Active Clacks, Educational Psychology, CLD, Inclusion Support and Clackmannanshire Support Services.

Terms and what they mean

TAC/Team Around the Child

A meeting where your child’s ASNs and the plans for support will be discussed. Parents and carers are very important members of your child’s team and should be invited to all these meetings.

IEP/Individualised Education Plan/Programme/Child’s Plan

Outlines what it is hoped your child will achieve, by when and what support they will need and from whom.

CSP/Coordinated Support Plan

A legal document that records the expected input from agencies out with education to support your child over the next year. This would be used when a high level of coordinated support from non-education agencies was needed. There is a process that schools have to follow to consider, open, monitor and close a CSP.

If you have any other queries, in the first instance ask your child’s school for advice or use the details below.

Related Publications & Documents

For Further Information Contact

Educational Support Officer, Education & Schools
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000