Advice to parents who are considering applying for their child to start school early.
Councils are required to set the latest date by which children must have their fifth birthday in order to fall within the category of those who are considered to be old enough to attend school.
Children born before or on this date are regarded as being ‘of school age’.
Children born after this date are not regarded as being old enough to attend school.
Education staff will consider whether:
In considering the best decision for an individual child, Education staff will consider key aspects of your child’s learning and development. They will review your child’s profiling documentation, observe your child in their ELC setting, consider the Head of Establishment’s report (Section B of the application form) and discuss your child’s learning and development with ELC staff and a member of the School Management Team.
Key aspects of learning for consideration will include your child’s
Decisions will also be made within the context that:
Before making a decision, parents are asked to consider
It is helpful to discuss these issues with staff at your child’s ELC setting.
A child’s maturity and ability to cope with change should be given careful consideration at any point of transition. Research shows that early entry to school may put undue pressure on a child and suggests that early introduction to schooling could “increase anxiety and have a negative impact on children’s self-esteem and motivation to learn”. On the other hand, effective ELC education can enhance school readiness.
Transition to school is a major event in the lives of young children which needs to be carefully planned for and supported. Early entry to primary school can be counter-productive to this.
Parents are asked to consider the possible long-term implications, when at the end of secondary school their child may still be too young to leave school along with their peers, and when potential difficulties exist around entrance to their preferred form of higher education.
A parent wishing to proceed in applying for early entry must complete an Early Entry Request application form. The parent or legal guardian of the child should complete Section A of the form and return this to their setting no later than 1 February.
The Head of the ELC setting completes Section B and discusses the application with a member of school senior management team.
All sections of the Early Entry Request application form and a copy of your child’s profile should be submitted by 14 February of the year for which early entry is sought. The completed application form should be submitted by the establishment your child currently attends.
A final decision will be given in writing by 30 April.
Arrangements will be made for staff from Education to meet with you and your child at your child’s ELC setting. You will be informed of the date and time of the meeting. A member of the management team from the primary school will attend. The discussion will last for not more than an hour and will be conducted by a designated representative of Education.
The purpose of the discussion will be:
If your request is granted you will receive a letter inviting you to enrol your child at school.
In considering requests for early entry we must take into account the normal constraints affecting education generally. In determining any request therefore in addition to the meeting with you, we require to consider whether additional resources, in terms of staff, adaptation of school buildings or facilities will require to be committed as a result of the early entry request. This would have an influence on our decision.
If the Education service refuses the request, you will be advised accordingly and given reasons for the refusal. It is not possible to make an appeal against this decision.
Where there are more requests than there are places available for the primary stage at a particular school all requests will be considered in line with the Council’s admissions policy.
In general, an early entry request will only be considered for the start of a new school year, that is August.
Requests for children whose family move into the area during the school year will be considered on an individual basis.
We are not able to fund home to school transport, except where seats are available in existing provision. Such provision can, however, be withdrawn if there is increased need for distance entitled children within the catchment area.
Educational Support Officer, Education & Schools
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000