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Clackmannanshire Council Online

Public Register Parts I & II

The Building Scotland Act requires local authorities to keep a Building Standards Register of building warrant applications for the geographical area of their authority.   This register is held in two parts.  Part I holds basic application details and Part II holds associated documentation.  A short summary of both Parts is noted as follows:

Part I

This part of the register is held electronically and is available at all times on our public access page.  There are a variety of search options available and once you have navigated to a particular application, you will see that the information is split into easily identifiable sections.  These sections are populated as the application progresses from receipt through to the issue of a completion certificate.  Most of the information is self explanatory but if you need any further advice or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address below. 

Part II

In addition to the information accessible online, Part II of the register contains documention relating to to specific  applications.  Depending on how the application was received by the Council, this Part can be held in either electronic or paper format, and examples of documents held include:

  • copies of building warrants
  • copies of completion certificates
  • approved drawings
  • copies of energy performance certificates (new builds only)
  • statements of sustainability (new builds only)

Documentation in Part II of the register is held for 25 years, although in certain complex cases such as shopping centres or large blocks of flats, this period can be extended to the lifetime of the building or to at least 50 years. 

Inspection of Records

Part I is held on our website and is available to view at all times.  If you do not have access to a computer, then you can view them at any Council Office, Community Access Point or Library. Part II can be inspected by appointment during normal working hours at the address below.  Please note, however, that these inspections are resticted by legislation to interested parties (current/prospective owner/occupier/tenant or current/prospective owner/occupier/tenant of a physically adjoining property).  There is a search and file retrieval fee for this service which is currently £42.70 (1st April 2024). 

Copying of Records

Copying of drawings etc are subject to certain restrictions and full details of these can be found on our separate Copy Documents page. 

If you require further details or clarification of any of the above, you can contact the support team direct on 01259 452540 who will be happy to help with any specific or detailed enquiries. 

For Further Information Contact

Building Standards
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000