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Wellbeing Hub & Lochies School updates


  • 5th October 2023 The members were updated on the selection of the Design Team, Tier 1 Contractor and Professional Team for the Wellbeing Hub and Lochies School Project. The paper highlighted the selection process and the move to RIBA Stage 2 Concept Design stage.
  • 10th August 2023 A paper was presented at Council updating the members on the supply chain selection for the design team and the latest communications and engagement strategy. Full details can be found here.
  • 29th June 2023 A paper was presented at Council giving an update on the progress of the project including the appointment of Hub East Central Ltd to develop the design and build project for the Wellbeing Hub and Lochies School, the next stage of the project including supply chain selection for the design team and the Tier 1 contractor.
  • 18th May 2023 An update on the Wellbeing Hub was presented at Council giving an update on the Briefing & Evaluation Workshops that have taken place, the continued engagement process with the community and an update on the School Swimming programme
  • 23rd March 2023 The capital costs for the Wellbeing Hub & Lochies School project were agreed as part of the Clackmannanshire Investment Strategy also presented to Council at this meeting. This paper can be reviewed here
  • 23rd March 2023 The update paper presented to full Council gave an updated capital cost projection for the joint Wellbeing Hub & Lochies project whilst define the Energy and Environmental Performance (EEP) options as part of the design brief. The approval of the capital cost projections were secured through the Capital Programme and assume the adoption of the Passivhaus EEP option for the Wellbeing Hub and Lochies School. The paper can be reviewed here
  • 2nd February 2023 The update paper presented at Council detailed the timeline and the next steps for the Wellbeing Hub & Lochies project. The paper can be reviewed here
  • 6th October 2022 At the full Council meeting it was agreed based on the options appraisal process to co-locate Lochies School at the Alloa West Pavilions site. The paper can be reviewed here
  • 6th October 2022 At the full Council meeting on October it was agreed that the Council terminate the development of an Interim Swimming Pool for Clackmannanshire on the grounds of ensuring best value of the use of Council resources. The full details can be found here.
  • 16th August 2022
  • At the full Council meeting on the 16th August Councillors voted for the Wellbeing Hub to be sited at the Alloa Pavillions venue and that the optimal mix be the preferred facility mix option. The facility development continues to move through the RIBA construction phases with another paper to be brought to Council with a progress report in February 2023. The Optimal facility mix includes both a swimming pool and a teaching pool, a 4 court games hall, fitness suite, climbing wall, cafe and many other sport, physical activity and wellbeing spaces.
  • August 2022
  • Wellbeing Hub Options Appraisal Report was presented to Council with 2 potential sites and 6 facility mix options. The paper can be viewed here
  • February 2022 A Wellbeing Hub Update paper was presented to Council including the Business Case for the Interim Swimming Pool which can be viewed here
  • 16th December 2021 An update paper was presented on the progress of the Interim Pool and the Wellbeing Hub
  • 21st October 2021 At the full Council meeting a paper was approved enabling the progression of the work around both the Wellbeing Hub and the building of an interim swimming pool.
  • July 2021 Face to face street surveys were undertaken in all Clackmannanshire communities.
  • 9th April to 14th May 2021 Consultation process begins through an online survey and focus group meetings

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