Become a member of the Clackmannanshire Library Service and you can borrow up to 12 books for a period of 4 weeks absolutely free of charge!
There is no charge for joining the library service, or for borrowing many items. See the 'Borrowing from the Library' page for full details of the items on offer and any charges.
In the first instance, report this to your local library to stop the ticket being used if someone else finds it. The library will issue you with a small charge of 50p. As above, proof of identification will be required.
You may reserve an item which is in the library catalogue. You may also request an item which is not in the library catalogue. In either case we shall try to supply you with the item you are looking for, or we will supply you with an alternative.
It takes on average 30 days to supply requests but some are supplied much faster than this, and some much more slowly. It all depends on the availability of the item: we may have to borrow it from another library service, for instance.
Library Services
Speirs Centre, Primrose Place, Alloa, FK10 1AD
Tel: 01259 452262 Fax: 01259 723365