There are many health benefits of keeping fit. Regular exercise helps you:
To find out more about the benefits of exercise, visit the NHS Live Well website.
For general health benefit adults should achieve a total of at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity a day on 5 or more days per week. Moderate intensity activity is any activity that leaves you feeling warm and breathing more heavily than usual. The good news is that this 30 minutes doesn't have to be done all in one go, it can be split up into two lots of 15 minutes or three lots of 10 minutes during the day. So if you haven't been active for some time, start off being active in ten minute bouts and then try to gradually build this up over the coming weeks. Any amount of additional activity will make a difference.
If you are concerned about your health and how being active will affect you, you should speak with your GP before starting. Most health problems can be helped by regular activity but it is always advisable to check with your doctor first about the amount and type of activity that is suitable for you.
For general health benefit children and young people should achieve a total of at least 60 minutes of moderate intensity activity a day on 7 days per week.
For more information on children and young people and activity have a look at the Tips For Parents on the British Heart Foundation website.
Clackmannanshire has a wealth of resources and activities on offer throughout the local area for people of all ages to improve their health and fitness.
The Council runs a number of Fitness Classes throughout the year for all individuals aged 16 and over as well as specific 'Active' programmes for children, over 50s, families and adults during the school holidays.
Additionally Youth Services also run a range of activities for all ages.
You can also refer to our Events Diary.
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Clackmannanshire Council is committed to providing and promoting high quality leisure and recreation opportunities for residents and visitors. Whether you are looking to keep fit, play sport, exercise, book a hall or simply enjoy the natural beauty of the county, we have something for you:
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The staffing, resources and partnerships set up in Clackmannanshire's Sports Development section are designed to promote sport, physical activity and physical education as a way for children from 3 to 16 years old to enjoy being physically active, become knowledgeable about active living, achieve their sporting potential and lay the foundations for a healthy active life style.
If you are worried about the cost of exercise, there are activities you can do for free such walking, jogging and cycling. Visit: NHS choices Get fit for free web page.
If this is the case, you may be given an exercise referral from your GP. This is when an exercise programme is recommended to improve a particular health condition. During the programme you'll experience the positive effects physical activity can have on your fitness levels and mental well-being, leading to an improved quality of life. Contact your local GP in the first instance.