Clackmannanshire Council has entered into a joint working arrangement with Stirling Council to ensure delivery of the best possible trading standards service. The Team will deal with all issues relating to fair trading and consumer protection.
If you have a problem with goods or services you have bought or wish to report someone who is selling fake or unsafe goods, we would ask that initial requests should be directed to our partner agency Advice Direct Scotland who can be contacted on 0808 164 6000 or via the consumer advice website.
You can also visit Trading Standards (Stirling Council) web pages for more information.
Below is a brief summary of each area of trading law that we enforce.
Most types of goods for sale must have their prices indicated.
Wide-ranging safety laws apply to many classes of goods, such as toys, fireworks and electrical products. These must carry the UKCA mark or a CE mark which denotes that the product complies with current safety standards.
We enforce regulations about credit advertising and licensing. We provide advice on other aspects of consumer credit law.
We enforce regulations which control many trading practices which would adversely affect consumers, such as false descriptions and banned practices.
We enforce laws concerning the counterfeiting of goods. Copied goods have included alcoholic drinks, computer software, cosmetics and designer clothing.
We inspect weighing and measuring equipment used in both retail and industrial premises, such as shops, pubs, petrol stations and factories. We also check the quantity markings of goods on retail sale.
We administer petroleum storage licensing and explosives registrations.
We inspect all premises selling tobacco and NVP products to ensure compliance with current legislation. Additionally we ensure compliance with public health legislation such as plain packaging, the tank capacity of NVP products and the tobacco display ban.
We undertake under age sales operations using volunteers to ensure that age restricted products are not being sold to persons under the legal age to purchase them. In terms of the legislation we enforce this includes tobacco, NVPs, spray paints and fireworks.
Initial requests for advice should be directed to our partner agency Advice Direct Scotland who can be contacted on 0808 164 6000 or via the consumer advice website.
Their advisers will:
They cannot:
If you are looking for a business to undertake works for you, please visit the Approved Trader portal.
Other issues dealt with by Trading Standards are the licensing/registration of petroleum and explosives (for instance fireworks). Please contact us using the details below if you require more information on petroleum or explosives licensing/registration.
Note: Sellers of Part II poisons no longer require to register with the local authority. However, certain chemicals and regulated substances can be used in the illicit manufacture of explosives or in such a way as to cause harm. From 3rd March 2016, members of the public who want to possess or use these chemicals must hold an Explosives Precursors and Poisons (EPP) licence issued by the Home Office.
Trading Standards
Endrick House, Kerse Road, Stirling, FK7 7SZ
Tel: 01786 404040