If you are due to open a new food business or take ownership of an existing business, it is a legal requirement for you to register with Environmental Health at least 28 days before opening or taking over.
Registration applies to most types of food premises used for storing, selling, distributing or preparing food.
Registration allows Environmental Health to keep an up to date list of all food premises within their area and is used to arrange a programme of routine inspections.
There is no charge for registering a food business and no renewal is required at any time other than to notify the Council of any significant changes to the business operation.
If you are uncertain whether you need to register, please contact us using the details below.
Please note that fees lodged with any Licence application are non-refundable.
Licensing Team
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000
Email: licensing@clacks.gov.uk