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Clackmannanshire Council Online

Business Rates

Business Rates

Business Rates Charges

Business rates are also referred to as non-domestic rates. They are paid on non-domestic properties by businesses and companies.

The amount you pay is calculated by multiplying the non-domestic rate (NDR) per pound by the rateable value of the property your business occupies.

The non-domestic rate per pound is set by the Scottish Government.

The rates for 2024/25 are as follows:
Rateable value less than £51,001 49.8 pence per pound
New intermediate supplement for rateable values between £51,001 and £100,000 54.5 pence per pound
Rateable value greater than £100,000 55.9 pence per pound

If you have any enquiries about your business rates, please email

Water and Waste Water Charges

Your business rates bill does not include charges for water and waste water.

If you have any enquiries about water or waste water, please contact Scottish Water.

For Further Information Contact

Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 226238 / 450000