This is a new post created by the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005. Each Council must appoint at least one Licensing Standards Officer (LSO) for its area. The functions of the LSO are:
An LSO has a right to enter and inspect licensed premises and inspect substances, articles or documents in licensed premises to determine whether activities carried on in any licensed premises are in accordance with the terms of the licence and the 2005 Act.
An LSO may issue a notice to the holder of a premises licence or occasional licence requiring action to be taken to remedy any breach of a licence condition which an LSO believes has been or is being breached. If a premises licence holder does not comply with the notice, an LSO may make a premises licence review application. An LSO may also apply for a premises licence review on any grounds relevant to one or more of the licensing objectives.
LSOs must undertake a course of training accredited by the Scottish Ministers within 18 months of appointment to obtain a licensing qualification.
Clackmannanshire Council has appointed one Licensing Standards Officer, who is located within Community & Regulatory Services
The Licensing Standards Officer can be contacted by visiting his office at Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK!0 1EB or using the contact details below.
Licensing Team
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000