We encourage the use of planning processing agreements (PPA) in association with major or other complex developments which can help achieve greater efficiency in the handling of applications. Processing agreements should be discussed as early as possible with the Service and is best done at the pre-application advice stage.
The Agreement is essentially a project management tool which establishes an agreed way of working for developers, the planning authority and relevant stakeholders. It sets out the key stages and processes involved in determining a planning application, identifying what information is required from all stakeholders involved and setting timescales for the successful delivery of the various stages of the process, which could cover the planning assessment stage, planning obligations and discharge of conditions.
A processing agreement could deliver a number of benefits:
PPAs will normally be expected for all national, major development proposals as well as local developments which may involve complex planning issues, significant developments or involve a number of stakeholders. Once key issues have been identified and information requirements agreed, a PPA will be drafted in consultation with relevant stakeholders. The PPA should be a clear statement of what the developer, Council and key stakeholders will do and when to ensure the application is determined in an effective and efficient manner.
For information, the Scottish Government has published a template document for a PPA as well as a report on the benefits of using them.
Development Quality
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000
Email: planning@clacks.gov.uk