We all have rights. Rights help ensure we survive, develop and receive protection and that we have the opportunity to be involved and included on matters that affect us.
Children’s rights apply to all young people under 18 (but also if you are under 21 and have ever been 'looked after' or in care). Children’s rights are protected under law by the United Nations Convention on The Rights of The Child (UNCRC) which means no-one can take those rights away from you.
In July 2024 the Scottish Government has also made it law - UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 - that all public bodies, such as local Councils, must recognise, respect and promote children’s rights. These include your rights to be treated fairly, to be heard and to be as healthy as possible.
The Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland is Nicola Killean - Nicola's job is to look after the rights of every infant, child and young person in Scotland. She spends a lot of time listening to young people through the CYPCS website and in person, to help her safeguard and promote children's rights.
There are two main things that Nicola and her team can do for you:
They make sure you know exactly what your rights are and what you can do if you think they are not being respected.
Your rights are protected under law and we help them stay that way.
The team are here to listen and help you. They won't tell anyone - unless they think you are at risk of harm - that's a promise.
For support and help in making yourself heard, you can contact the organisations below: