Who can be married in Scotland?
Who can be married in Scotland?
Any two persons, regardless of sex or where they live, may marry in Scotland provided that
- both persons are at least 16 years of age on the day of their marriage,
- they are not related to one another in a way which would prevent their marrying (for further information see leaflet RM1),
- they are unmarried and not in a civil partnership (any person who has already been married or registered as a civil partner must produce documentary evidence that the previous marriage or civil partnership registration has been ended by death, divorce, annulment or dissolution), Note - please see information below about changing an existing civil partnership to marriage.
- they are capable of understanding the nature of a marriage ceremony and of consenting to marriage,
- in the case of an opposite sex marriage, the marriage would be regarded as valid in any foreign country to which either party belongs.
Guidance on changing a civil partnership to a marriage
Couples in a civil partnership registered in Scotland can change their civil partnership to a marriage in Scotland if they wish. If you decide to change your civil partnership to marriage there are two ways you can do this:
- by the administrative route using the prescribed form
- by ceremony
For further information please see NRS leaflet Guidance on changing a civil partnership to a marriage or contact the registration office for advice.