By law both parties to a proposed marriage or civil partnership are required to submit Marriage Notice forms (M10) or Civil Partnership Notice forms (CP10) to the registrar of the district in which the marriage or partnership registration is to take place. Forms for giving notice can be obtained from any Registration Office in Scotland.
The minimum notice that you must give the registrar is 29 days before that date of the ceremony. It is recommended that notices should be returned about 10 to 12 weeks beforehand. Notice must be given in the 3 month period prior to the date of the marriage or partnership registration.
Please make an appointment if you would like to return your notice forms personally. Alternatively, we can accept completed marriage and civil partnership forms by post or email along with copies of the supporting documents. We will need to see all original documents before the date of your ceremony. Please include a daytime phone number and we will contact you for the payment of your fees.
For further guidance please see leaflets Marriage in Scotland (RM1) or Registering a Civil Partnership in Scotland (RCP1).
Two witnesses must be present at your marriage or civil partnership ceremony. They must be aged 16 years of age or over and capable of understanding the ceremony. Please complete the witness form and give this to your registrar with your notice forms.
The Registrar
Speirs Centre, Primrose Place, Alloa, FK10 1AD
Tel: 01259 723850 / 450000 Fax: 01259 723365