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Clackmannanshire Council Online

Child Protection Committee

Child Protection Committee

Clackmannanshire Child Protection Committee (CPC) is a multi-agency forum responsible for the development, coordination and review of child protection inter-agency policy and practice across Clackmannanshire.

Child Protection Logo

Who are we?

Our Child Protection Committee includes representatives from Clackmannanshire Council, NHS Forth Valley, Police Scotland and the voluntary and independent sector.

The Child Protection Committee reports to the Chief Officers Group. Information on structure and governance and terms of reference are available to refer to.

What do we do?

The CPC is responsible for ensuring that child protection activity complies with national and local standards and aims to promote better outcomes for children and young people.

Key areas of Responsibility

Our key areas of responsibility from the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021 (updated 2023) are:

  1. Policies, procedures and protocols
  2. Self-evaluation, performance management and quality assurance
  3. Promoting good practice
  4. Training and staff development
  5. Strategic planning
  6. Public information and communication

Working Together Nationally

Child Protection Committees Scotland (CPCScotland) is a national grouping of professionals who work together to improve the protection of children in Scotland.  The group supports Child Protection Committees across Scotland and the Independent Chair and Lead Officer of Clackmannanshire Child Protection Committee are involved with the group, attending quarterly meetings, contributing to the work of the group and sharing national communication and developments with local partner agencies including Clackmannanshire Council, NHS Forth Valley, Police Scotland and third sector partners.

Further information

For Further Information Contact

Child Protection
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 225000 / 450000