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Clackmannanshire Council Online

Door to Door Accessible Transport Terms and Conditions

Door to Door Accessible Transport Terms and Conditions

What is Door to Door?

The Door to Door service provides people with disabilities access to an accessible transport service, where they cannot use conventional public transport.  The service is operated on behalf of the Council by Order of Malta Dial-a-Journey Trust.  The vehicle will pick you up from outside your home and drop you off at the outside of your destination.  Drivers are unable to assist you within your home.

Am I eligible?

You must be unable to use conventional public transport, such as a bus, have a permanent disability that meets one of the following criteria and live in the Clackmannanshire Council area.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • are registered blind (severely sight impaired);
  • receive Disability Living Allowance Mobility Component (higher rate) or Care Component (middle or higher Rate)
  • receive Personal Independence Payment Mobility Component (standard or enhanced rate) or Daily Living Component (standard or enhanced rate);
  • receive Adult Disability Payment Mobility Component (enhanced rate) or Daily Living Component (standard or enhanced rate);
  • receive Child Disability Payment Mobility Component (higher rate) or Care Component (higher or middle rate);
  • receive the War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement; or
  • receive Attendance Allowance (low or high rate);or
  • in receipt of a Blue Badge.

When can I use it and where can I go?

You can use it to travel anywhere within Clackmannanshire, unfortunately the service no longer offers transport outwith the Clackmannanshire area.  The hours of operation will allow for first pick up at 9:00am Monday to Friday.  Last pick up will be 4:30pm Monday to Friday.  The service does not operate on 25th or 26th December or 1st or 2nd January (or the equivalent public holidays). Other public holidays may also not be available for bookings or journeys.  At the time of booking you may be asked for your journey purpose.

Can I use the service to connect to other public transport services?

If you can use a bus, but cannot access it due to your disability, you can use the service to connect you to bus and rail services within Clackmannanshire for onward travel.  Please make the booking office aware that you have a train or bus to catch and the time so they can best accommodate you.  Please be aware we cannot take responsibility for any missed connections.  

How often can I use it?

You can make up to 6 single journeys per week, however subject to availability additional journey may be possible at the discretion of Dial-a-Journey.

What does it cost?

The majority of the journey cost is subsidised by the Council, however users will require to pay a fare.  This is currently sent at £5.50.  You will pay this fare to the driver.

What if I cannot make my journey?

If for any reason you are unable to make your journey, you must contact the Dial-a-Journey booking office to notify them by 4pm the day prior.  If you do not cancel or fail to appear for a journey they may still charge you the fare.

Can my carer travel with me?

If you have a companion NEC card at present or meet the criteria for this, you can travel with your carer.  The carer will be charged at £1.50 and you must make it clear at the time of booking you require your carer to travel with you to ensure they have a seat on the vehicle.  A carer may be a family or friend.

Can family and friends travel with me?

No, unless you meet the criteria for a carer as set out above.

I require to travel in a wheelchair, is this possible?

Yes.  When you are making a booking please make it clear what type of wheelchair or mobility aids you will be travelling with in order for Dial-a-Journey to ensure the appropriate vehicle is provided.

I have an assistance dog, can it travel with me?

If you have a trained assistance dog that requires to travel with you, please make this clear at the time of booking.  No other pet or animal are generally permitted.

Can a mobility scooter be accommodated?

This will depend on the type of scooter, we would advise you to discuss this at the time of your booking.  No passenger can be transported on a scooter while the vehicle is in motion.

How do I book?

Door to Door bookings should be made by phoning 01786 465 355. The booking hours are 0900 to 1600 Monday to Friday.  You may book on the same day as your journey, before 1000, however this cannot be guaranteed. 

What happens on the day of my booking?

You are expected to be ready to leave 10 minutes before the time of your requested booking.  Please note this is a shared transport service, so if you are late you will impact on other passengers.  The driver will provide assistance for you in boarding and alighting the vehicle.  For wheelchair passengers, you will require to be in your wheelchair when the vehicle arrives.  You may require to access the vehicle via a tail lift and your wheelchair will require to be secured.  The Council and Dial-a-Journey are not liable for any errors in a booking, late running or failure of a journey.  All passengers must follow the 'no seat belt - no trip' rule.

How do I join?

Download and complete an application form for Door to Door and return it to us with the necessary enclosures. If you need any further information on the Door to Door service please telephone: 01786 465 355 to speak to Dial-a-Journey or email the Council at

How long can I use the Door to Door service?

You will normally be issued with a membership card for a maximum period of 3 years, depending on the expiry date of your supporting documentation for eligibility.  However please note the current service is only contracted to operate to the 11th August 2024.  At this time we do not know if the service will continue beyond this date.

What if a journey fails?

Every effort will be made to ensure your booking is fulfilled and correct, however occasionally mistakes can happen.  The journey is operated by Dial-a-Journey and the Council cannot be held liable for any issues or delays.  If your vehicle fails to appear we recommend you contact the booking office by telephone for further assistance.

What if there is a dispute?

Users are expected to be respectful to the drivers providing the service, any inappropriate behaviour towards a driver or the booking operators may result in your being removed for the scheme.  If you have an issue with the operator please report this to for further investigation.

For Further Information Contact

Public Transport
Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000