Clackmannanshire Community Justice Partnership
Clackmannanshire Community Justice Partnership
Clackmannanshire Community Justice Partnership was established in response to the Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 (the Act).
Our membership includes statutory partners named in the Act, local third sector and lived experience representatives and other local statutory partnerships as follows:
Our Vision
To embed a human rights based approach to justice that puts the voices of lived experience at the heart of policy and service development.
The Vision for Justice in Scotland (Scottish Government 2022) is based on evidence of what we know works to achieve the long term outcomes set out. The two key transformation priorities set out in the Vision for Justice in Scotland are:
- ensuring justice services embed person centred and trauma informed practices, and
- working across public services to improve outcomes for individuals, focussing on prevention and early intervention.
Clackmannanshire Community Justice Priorities
Key priorities identified by partners for the Community Justice Partnership to focus on over the next 5 years are:
- Early intervention is key;
- Continue to strengthen a Whole Systems Approach based on Community Justice being “everyone’s business”;
- Adopt a trauma-informed approach to community justice;
- Identify and address workforce development needs and opportunities.
Areas for Improvement
The plan identifies the following areas for improvement for community justice in Clackmannanshire to address these priorities and inform outcomes for the Community Justice Partnership to focus on over the next 5 years:
- To provide support for issues such as drug and alcohol use and mental health as early as possible;
- To continue to strengthen a partnership approach based on Community Justice being “everyone’s business”;
- To ensure that we adopt a trauma-informed approach to community justice;
- To review workforce development needs across the justice workforce to ensure that the appropriate level of trauma informed training is embedded for everyone working with people involved in the justice system;
- To increase opportunities for diversion from the justice system through community based support;
- To make pathways through the justice system easy to understand and supportive for both victims and people accused of / who have committed a crime;
- To increase public understanding of what community justice is.
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