Published on:
September 2008
Local companies can now sell goods and services to Clackmannanshire Council more easily, thanks to a new national website.
All Clackmannanshire contract and tender opportunities will now be advertised in the Public Contracts Scotland - the National Advertising Portal which can be accessed directly at or via the Council's website at
Companies who wish to sell to the Council can search the website to find out what goods and services we are currently tendering for and register their interest. Suppliers can also register with the site at no cost to receive regular email alerts of public sector opportunities relevant to their business.
Derek Barr, Procurement Manager said: "Local suppliers have mentioned through the Business Liaison Initiative and more recently though the Clackmannanshire Business Procurement awareness sessions, that removing barriers to business for SMEs (small and medium enterprises) and accessibility to all public sector contract opportunities as being one of the most important steps to their sustainability. This portal is a major step forward for all our local suppliers, as it provides the accessibility in one place and the ability to download all documents electronically."
Suppliers will be able to determine if the contract opportunities are relevant to their business without having to wait for paper copies of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaires, Invitation to Tender documentation etc. This will allow suppliers more time to complete documents and reduce the amount of paper the Council uses.
Regulation 8(21) of The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 20061 also states that in awarding any public contract, where EC Treaty principles require it, public bodies should "ensure a degree of advertising and follow a procedure leading to the award of the contract which is sufficient to enable open and fair competition." Advertising contract opportunities on this portal will assist the Council to comply with this legal obligation.